Title: Hobby Lobby "I Love This Yarn!" - Various Colors - Single Skein, 100% Acrylic Description: Introducing a delightful collection of Hobby Lobby’s "I Love This Yarn!" in multiple beautiful shades, each one ready to bring your next project to life! Each skein is made from 100% acrylic, offering both softness and durability, perfect for knitting, crocheting, or any craft project you can imagine! Details for Each Skein: Weight: 5 oz (142 g) Length: 252 yards (230 m) Material: 100% Acrylic Weight Category: 4 (Medium) Color Specifics: Color: Pink Camo Lot Number: 198178 Description: Rich, variegated hues of pinks and greens Additional Information: 📦 Condition: This yarn is brand new and comes from a smoke-free home. It has been stored carefully to maintain its pristine condition. 🚚 Shipping: We offer fast and reliable shipping to ensure your yarn arrives in perfect condition. 🔄 Returns Policy: No returns are accepted, except in special circumstances. 💬 Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our priority! Please feel free to contact us with any questions or for more information. We are here to help and ensure you have a pleasant shopping experience.