is an excavated mineral rock that is typically mixed with potting soil to help manage aeration and drainage of soil for potted plants. The mineral is light-weight and porous creating air pockets within the soil that alleviate on roots. Perlite has been shown to help maximize root growth while lessening of drainage management for gardenrs with containerized plants. Perlite can also be substituted for soil when propogating cuttings as it successfully drains water so baby roots can develop safely. Simply mix Perlite with a multi-purpose potting mix or starter before planting. Perlite comes in a 10x11" heavy duty, re-sealable bag — perfect for storage or later use. ✅ BEST GROWING MEDIUM for Plants Grown in Containers — Mix With Potting Mix For Best Results 🌟 IMPROVED AERATION of SOIL — Porosity of Perlite Prevents Soil From Compacting 🌊 DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT — Improved Drainage for Potted Plants Grown Indoors and Outdoors 🌱 ROOT ACCESSIBILITY — Surface Area of Perlite Pieces Creates Space for Roots to Expand 💓 LIGHTWEIGHT — Highly Durable But Does Not Weigh Down Roots, Does Not Decompose