Soil Sunrise Peace Lily Potting Mix; Growing Media for Spathiphyllum Peace lilies prefer a soil that can combine drainage and moisture retention. This blend includes a mixture of fir bark, peat moss, perlite, sand, and lime. This soilless substrate provides a growing environment perfect for peace lillies as it offers excellent drainage, nutrient retention, pH balance, and organic matter. Your peace lilies will thrive in our hand-blended potting medium! TIP: Peace lilies are a good choice for low-light spaces because they can thrive in shade or partial shade. They also tolerate fluorescent lights, so if you need a plant friend to liven up your desk at the office, peace lily is a good option. INGREDIENTS: Fir bark, peat moss, perlite, sand, and lime. 100% NATURAL: Potting blend for Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily Plant), no chemicals or artificial fertilizers USES: Specially formulated for growing healthy Peace Lilies, for indoor / outdoor container gardening BENEFITS: Nutrient retention, aeration to roots, pH balance, and organic matter Ingredients: Pine bark, peat moss, perlite, sand, and lime Size: 2 quarts (enough for three 5-inch pots or 2 6-inch pots)