Bay 2350 finds high quality agricultural products for our growing operations and offers them to customers at competitive prices. This perlite is a n OMRI listed product, the Certificate is attached Termolita manufactures this perlite in Northern Mexico. They are within the top twelve perlite manufactures in the world. The specific item for sale: Organic Horticultural Grade Perlite - 1 Gallon (approximately 14 cups) It's packaged in a resealable gallon sized plastic bag. This is considered a "Medium" size (number 2). This is a lightweight soil conditioner used in: Potting Mixes, Hydroponics, and Garden soil Improves drainage, provides air to roots, does not change soil ph, loosens heavy clay soil. Custom potting soil - Mix 30% - 50% with peat moss, or compost, or special soil. Hydroponics - 100% perlite or mix with organic substrate Root cuttings - 50% perlite w/coco peat or peat moss Seedlings - 30% - 50% perlite with cocopeat or peat moss Returns are accepted in accordance with Ebay policies, and at no cost to the buyer.